DEA-CCAT: Poisson_engine, a Poisson solver

Here is an example of use:

download the files (.zip):

All files of Poisson Engine version 2.0

License Conditions

This is a user-dll version of my mathcad poisson-solver, published earlier , see finelem.htm.

To use the Poisson engine:

1) exit from winmcad (this is needed, as the dll only attaches itself during startup of winmcad)

2) unzip and place poisson_engine.dll in the dir c:/winmcad/userefi

3) start winmcad and include a reference to in your mathcad programme (as in above example)

feedback is wellcomed!

M.Sc. Jesper Gundermann, Climate Change Division, Danish Environmental Protection Agency, 29 Strandgade, DK 1401 Copenhagen K, phone +45 40 68 23 46

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